Here is the end result of a long hard day of playing, a bink!!! So to get Jaylee not crying I had to plug up her mouth. She was so tired by the time we watched fireworks that all she wanted to do was sleep. She did enjoy them though, she would scream ohhh for the really big ones. I just want to say how grateful I am to live in a free country and be able to do everything that we are able to do. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends. We love you all.
Emma was exhausted as well during the fireworks... she didn't even want to watch them... she just hid her tired face on mommy and daddy's laps. ;)
Ha ha ha...you came out of the closet!! I can't believe you are letting the whole world know you are, I mean WERE, a closet binkie mom. You are hilarious. All Carson can talk about is Jaywee now. We are so glad to be back in town and then what???? You leave us! Hope you had fun in SG.
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