Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Park

This is the HAT....The hat that he wants to wear everywhere....and I let him! Brecken will go to the coat closest and say att..attt(his for of hat) He will stand there until I get it out for him and if I don't he will scream AAATTTT. But it is what it is and it just makes him...well him.

Jaylee is becoming quite the little mommy. She always leads Brecken now. Ever since I had Brynlee I am asking for help from Jaylee all the time. And sometimes she doesn't like it but for the most part she really loves being my big helper. I am so thankful that she is so willing to be so patient with Brecken.

Of course what do you do when there is no more snow..head out to the park. Our favorite place.

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