Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mark's other true love....

JJ loves to cheer on her daddy, she is one day going to be the perfect cheerleader. 
 this is the only pic I got of B man.  Sometimes holding a baby and taking pictures proves to be very difficult for me!  I hate going to Mark's games because the whole time we are there Brecks screams because he wants to be out on the field with his daddy playing!  It's so cute but so hard.
 And my hottie...I am not sure what it is but I love watching Mark even though I really know nothing about soccer and I can't go to many games because of our crazy kids.  I always hate when he walks out the door to go to a game because I think of all the things I could use help with around the house, but seeing his face when he comes home makes it all worth while..Not to mention how hot he is when plays!

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